Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Who's Who??

Can you tell who is who?

Baby #1:

Baby #2:

One of the above pictures is baby Addy.. the other guessed it! ME!

Besides the fact that one of us is a bit DRAMATIC with our smile...

It's INSANE how much this kiddo resembles my baby pictures! She keeps looking more and more like them every day. After taking this pic of her in the tub tonight I got a flashback of one of my baby photos. So I got it out and scanned it!

Wow! It's incredible. My little mini-me....


I have been horrible about updating the blog! We have had so much going on! Obviously Rob and I got married nearly a month ago.. and I cannot believe an entire month (or almost) has gone by already!

Addy had a huge stepping stone yesterday - or two! I couldn't believe my eyes!

First off - Addy has been working on sitting up for a couple weeks but she would topple over after a minute or two each time. Until yesterday! I sat her up in front of me and started chattin' with a friend and.... she stayed! She now sits! ALL by herself.

As if that wasn't enough for one day.. later in the afternoon she propped herself up on all fours and took her FIRST (crawling) steps! My goodness, kiddo! SLOOOWWW DOOWWWNN! I'm in trouble.. & so are grandma and grandpa because they are babysitting Saturday night! I have a feeling I'm going to need a few EXTRA drinks by then! Geesh!!!

Addy's favorite things these days are.. eating, watching and playing with her puppies, eating, sitting, eating, crawling, and........oh yeah, mommy and daddy of course! She loves her food! She really enjoys the Gerber toast sticks too! It's her new favorite treat and it gives me a minute to relax while I just sit and watch her make a mess with it.

She took her first bath in the big tub tonight.. that was exciting! I'll be making a separate post for that!

I think that's all for now. It's so hard to keep up! I'm already starting to think about her birthday party! How sad is that?? And Christmas is RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER!! Hehehe.. I'm so excited!!

I'll try to post another update before Addy goes off to college! ;)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Wow.. Time has gone fast. I am getting married in 1 DAY! Or.. one and a half.. anyway, who's counting? I've been keeping so busy! I've been doing some part time work from home, managing the boutique which is doing better than I had expected, and of course just trying to keep up with little Addy.

Let's see.. Addy now scoots, WATCH OUT! She rolls, of course. She eats like a champ! She loves her food! She had her first finger food/cookie and LOVED it! She got a new monstrosity for our living room - a Baby Einstein Jumper! She's having fun with that.

Ever since she became mobile or somewhat anyway), the dogs decided she is fair game. Sadie plays with her as if she is a puppy. It's actually quite cute and Sadie is very gentle with her. Simon insists upon bring her his toys and waits for her to throw them.. He's going to be waiting a while. (He's getting a little senile in his old age!)

That's all for now.. I will have lots of pictures when we return from VEGAS!!! Wooohoo!! =)