Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Appointment

I have just returned from the long awaited appointment. I am 38 weeks today. I received an ultrasound to determine the size of the baby. She is basically average. She measures in the 49th percentile, at approx 7 lbs. To my dismay I have not progressed any further toward labor. I am still 1cm dilated, 50% effaced, and dropped to a -2. (I'm not entirely sure what they call the "-2".)

I am happy to know that our little girl is healthy and her heart is pumping along perfectly. We are very lucky for that. I just can't help but feel extremely frustrated while I sit and wait in anticipation of her arrival. I've never been a patient person, so this comes as no surprise to me. I just feel overwhelmed with anxiety and I get more uncomfortable by the second. There are more things to be happy about right now than there are to be upset about but I feel like an emotional wreck. It's not because I'm nervous, or scared or I feel like I can't handle what is about to happen. It's because I'm extremely excited and anxious to meet this wonderful little person. I am also frustrated with the discomfort of being 38 weeks and counting - the restless nights, the constant "heartburn", peeing every 10 minutes, never ending back pain, etc.. Although I know it will have been worth every moment of it when I see her face for the first time.

So, I have no other choice but to wait. Either she will make a surprise entrance or I will be having another check up in 7 days to see where we stand. Wish me luck!