Thursday, January 31, 2008

Mother-to-be...No More

This is officially my last post as a "mother-to-be". Baby Addison should be here by this weekend. My appointment yesterday went very well, as I was given the news I was dying to hear! I am ready to be induced! Although I am only 5 days from my actual due date, knowing that I am going to have her sometime in the next day or so is very comforting as opposed to just waiting for it to happen - since I'm a HUGE fan of WAITING and everything. So now I sit and wait for the phone call, which is sure to drive me insane anyway. I am going to receive a call from the hospital as soon as a room opens up. Now I am going to rant...

The only reason I am not in labor as we speak is because so many damn people go out of their way to have babies at the ONE hospital I happen to live NEXT DOOR to! Scottsdale Healthcare - Shea Campus is said to be "the nicest hospital in the state". However, I don't exactly agree. With all the babies coming into the world lately I've seen my fair share of hospitals and maternity wards and although SHC Shea is very nice.. so are many others. And for crying out loud people - your having a baby! Is that not enough? You need to go to a hospital that has a Spa?? AS IF you are going to use it!! So in short here, I am angry with people who drive way out of there way so that they can say they had their baby at "the nicest hospital in the state" and leave me - an actual RESIDENT to that hospital - sitting on a damn waiting list! I'm a tid bit frustrated. So if you ever plan to have your baby at SHC Shea and don't live within a reasonable radius of the hospital - don't tell me! I wont have nice things to say.

That being said - I sit here and wait.. When there is an opening that isn't filled by some person from Avondale going into labor - I will get a call and drive ACROSS THE STREET to the hospital and have my precious baby girl! :)

I am so excited and overwhelmed with the reality of the situation. I cannot wait to see her face. I just keep imagining the first time I will see her and hold her. I have a feeling I am going to hold her hostage and not let anyone else get near her! I just want to hold her and stare at her forever.. Or at least that's what I think, prior to the actual "labor" part! Everything is ready to go - as it has been for ages. The car seat is in my truck all ready to bring her home. I am thrilled beyond belief. It is going to be a wonderful day! (Aside from the wanting to pull my hair out while I wait for the call.)

I cannot wait to meet you Addison Rylee..


The Jacobs Family said...

I am so excited that you will be a mommy soon, and I am so excited that you started a blog! Addison is going to be one very loved baby!